Standing in the Gap

If our government is not going to provide for the needs of those who are truly poor, who will?

Most importantly, will we as followers of Christ be willing to lower our standard of living and give to the poor - working together as Christ's church to be able to follow through on his call to us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give a cup of cold water in his name, visit the prisoner, and bringing healing to the sick?

I so wish that the church would pull together and do this. I so wish that we could have a really small government and everybody would do what is right - that big corporations (like Eastman, Cigna and Goldmen Sachs) would place people above profits - without having the government enforcing regulations. But our propensity to sin (both individually and as groups) is too strong. Isn't that what Paul says in Romans 7? We do what we don't want to do, and don't do what we want. We are enslaved to sin.

I know Christ will free those of us who are willing to surrender (even though we also get it wrong).

But in the meantime, who is willing to stand in the gap?


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