Sanford and Lamontt switching places

With our pending divorce, i have been trying to do some research and such (still the brainiac)... Now i have grown to be a bit more uncomfortable with all the dummy and idiot books out there. since i have been working on my self-loathing, i have been reading one guy who says our society creates the ilussions for self-hate.
Anyways, I have one of those books titled "Divorce for dummies" on my book shelf. Christopher is spending the night with me and eating supper, when he looks over and sees that book on the shelf. Out of the blue, he says, "Dad, why do you have a book called Divorce for Dummies?" I thought, Oh brother, hear comes the questions about what divorce means and we haven't told him yet. But i go ahead and respond anyways with the generic, "It's just something i have been reading. Why did it make you wonder about something?" Without missing a lick, he quipped, "Yeah, it just made me wonder if you were a dummy."


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