Pledging Allegiance When Kingdoms Collide...

From the Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne...
I have become well acquainted with the dualism in the North American church... I thought about what would have happened if Reverend King hadn't allowed the gospel to get political. My heart sank as I walked into the foyer and noticed something I had never seen before: The American flag standing prominently in front of the auditorium. And never before was I so heartbroken that the cross was missing. For the flag and the cross are both spiritual. And they are both political. It is a dangerous day when we can take the cross out of the church more easily than the flag. No wonder it is hard for seekers to find God nowadays. It's difficult to know where Christianity ends and America begins. Our money says, "In God We Trust." God's name is on America's money, and America's flag is on God's altars. (p. 193).
Honestly, I just don't get it... I am confused... When I was a kid, I was told to give Jesus my 110%... "I Surrender All" we sang. Altar calls beckoned us to give Christ our everything. Nothing else could come before our commitment to Christ...
So why do I get in more trouble over this position than anything else?
So why do I get in more trouble over this position than anything else?
Why do Christians get so angry when I choose not to pledge allegiance to the American flag because I believe my only allegiance is to Christ?
Why do conservative churches who preach Christ and Scripture alone have American flags lining their front lawns and adorning their altars?
Why do citizens of a heavenly empire get all twisted up when I/we call America an "empire" the likes of Rome, Babylon, Assyria and Persia - and question America's values and motives as such?
Why does the bride of Christ keep having an affair with the principalities and powers of this dark world?
I really look forward to your insights to these quandaries...
Something else to ponder. Most Christians that I know are more likely to die for their country than they are their Christ. They insist that we recruit people to die for our "freedom" so that they would never have to die for their faith. It's as if you can't be a Christian if you don't have freedom of religion. Freedomof religion is nice but not necessary in order to follow Christ!