Evangelistic Listening and Social In-action

Why does evangelism have to be intentional or verbal? St. Francis said something of the sort: "Preach the gospel and if necessary use words." I find that the evangelism which emerging Christians engage in is much more centripetal rather than centrifugal - we are much less about promotion through verbage than about attraction through being and demonstration. As a counselor and community missionary, I wonder why can't there be such a thing as evangelistic listening and even to use an eastern term social in-action, in a quest to point to the sovereignty and compassion of a God who is bigger than a Wall Street/ Madison Avenue world.


Anonymous said…
IF I understand you right, Christians feel like they should just walk the walk and let that be there witness. That is so just half of the Biblical command. We are command by Jesus to share our faith. What to do you mean by community Missionary?

Bryan Webster
Dave Gladson said…
Thanks for comments, Bryan... I don't mean that we simply walk the walk and let a witness simply happen... I guess I am responding to or reacting to how we followers of Jesus often err on the side of talking too much and not listening enough... As a community counselor (which is what I also mean by my calling as a community missionary), I see and sense the effect that holy and compassionate listening has on oppressed persons who have been preached to their whole lives (with little effect)... It really is amazing how much the Spirit enters the room when I leave a space full of the "splaugnaus" (greek for compassion) that Jesus often had for the crowds. We need to speak and we need to listen, but I think God gave us two ears and mouth for a reason. Thanks for helping me to think about this further... Does that clarify your questions? Talk to you soon.
Anonymous said…
I agree. I like to say it like this. People are afraid to get involved with other people because it can get messy. Jesus got messy with people. Jesus meet needs and preached that the kingdom is near. Most people are either good at one and bad at the other. The ones that can do both are filling up Heaven at a high rate of speed. Jesus did both. He healed the wounds and very frankly let them know they are sinners. We as Christian let MANY things keep us from both meeting needs and sharing the Gospel. I did for too long and.... So I would say listen but also talk.
I will stop.


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